So as you know I started at my new school a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it! I’m in the dorms and I’ve met many people but the stress has piled on! Which means the stomach gets out of whack! So this week has been tough trying to get things settled and I’ve gotten dehydrated but I’m slowly getting bak to normal!
I got a job on campus as a desk assistant which was an answer to prayer because it’s right here on campus I get to study and do homework while working which is awesome! I don’t have to use gas to get to work and it’s not many hours so it doesn’t cut into my school time I am very excited I start tomorrow night! I’m very happy about that!
As I said though it is stressful my work Load is much harder now that I am in my 3rd year of school. Which is to be expected with the core classes in taking and being pre-med. I am loving it though! I am about to do general rush on campus that starts next week also so super pumped about that! Joining the colleges kind of “fraternities” that are on campus. So this will be a new exciting thing as well!
Just wanted to send an update I haven’t written in a while because I have been so busy! I am doing well though despite the little flare I am having but its settling down! I will write more often on here though for sure!